Prevent overheating, perform better.

In the past few weeks, the Netherlands and Europe have experienced extreme heat.

Heat stress can be a serious threat for athletes who want to perform, such as those competing in the Ironman triathlon in Hoorn. Heat stress can be very dangerous, especially if it is not recognized and treated in time. It occurs when the body is unable to dissipate enough heat, resulting in a rise in body temperature and potentially serious health problems.

Fortunately, sports events can take measures to prevent heat stress, such as adjusting distances and providing extra sponge and water stations. But athletes themselves can also take measures to protect their bodies from overheating.

One of these measures is the use of cooling products, such as cooling vests and hats. Research has shown that these products can help prevent overheating.

According to Thijs Eijsvogels, a researcher at Radboud UMC and an expert in heat stress, there is increasing evidence that cooling clothing and accessories can help prevent overheating.

During a study*, cyclists wore a cooling vest during a 20-kilometer time trial. The cyclists who wore the cooling vest were on average 51 seconds faster than the group that did not wear a cooling vest. Moreover, the cyclists who wore the cooling vest had a lower body temperature during exertion and were less exhausted afterwards.

Another study** showed that wearing a cooling cap during a 10-kilometer running race can lower body temperature by 0.4 degrees Celsius. This may not seem like much, but it can make the difference between a good and a poor performance.

But how do these cooling products work exactly? They work by creating a cold surface on the skin, allowing the body to release heat. This prevents the body temperature from rising too high and keeps the athlete cool and comfortable during exercise.

Whether you are a professional athlete or simply enjoy exercising in the summer, it is important to protect yourself from the heat. And cooling products can help, allowing you to perform optimally without overburdening your body. It is clear that these products work and can make an important contribution to preventing heat stress and improving athletic performance.

INUTEQ is a Dutch company that specializes in the development and production of innovative cooling clothing and accessories for athletes, industrial workers, police, firefighters, and military personnel. The company collaborates with experts in thermophysiology and heat stress and uses advanced materials and technologies to develop cooling products that are effective and comfortable to wear. The INUTEQ range includes cooling vests, cooling bandanas, cooling hats, cooling towels, and cooling wristbands.

*Published in the scientific journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. The study was conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Canberra in Australia.

**Conducted by researchers from the University of Brighton in the United Kingdom. The study was published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology.

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