Stay concentrated and win the game.

Sport activities require a lot of physical exertion, leaving you tired and with less energy to concentrate. And this happens much faster when it's already a scorching summer day.

As your body temperature rises and your heart pumps blood rapidly throughout your body, you begin to sweat more and more. Although the body's natural sweating mechanism has a cooling effect, it is still insufficient in high endurance activities such as golf. In this situation, you will get tired early, which will negatively affect your performance. In this article, you will read how to avoid excessive heat and cool your body while golfing so that you can concentrate well in the game.

The golf game requires good muscle endurance, that means you will have to be on your feet for long hours, and you must have sufficient strength in your arms for those long-distance shots. But during hot summer days, you will sweat a lot and wear out early, which will cause you to lose focus during the game. The best solution to avoid this situation is to use a cooling accessory to maintain body temperature. Cooling helps you retain your body heat and lower the heart rate, which in turn improves your concentration in the game.

Cooling the body before, during and after a sports event can help to maintain the core body temperature, sustain a steady heart rate and also prevent dehydration due to excessive sweating. Research shows that the use of cooling vests can provide a significant thermoregulatory advantage to athletes who exercise in hot and humid conditions (J Webster et al.; 2007). Using a cooling device becomes essential in an endurance requiring sport like golf where you have to play for several hours under the scorching sun making you more vulnerable to excessive sweating. A cooling vest or cooling arm sleeves might prove to be the best tool for you to avoid the heat stress and focus on your shots and drives.


Cooling Accessories will help you prevent heat stress
The body’s average core temperature is 37-38° Celsius, but exercise and external heat raise the body temperature, which the body responds by sweating. Evaporation of the sweat cools down the body. But the more you sweat, the more your body works harder, and all your energy gets directed towards this cooling process, in turn leaving less energy for you to focus on the performance. Using a cooling accessory can help you avoid this situation, so can continue to enjoy your golf game for a more extended period. INUTEQ sells top quality personal cooling products, made with the latest technology, that help you keep your body cool during your sports activities. Many of the top world athletes and even world champions are using INUTEQ cooling products. With INUTEQ technology, you can keep yourself fresh and focus on your goal.


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